It's finally here - closing day! We've finally gotten our close-date for the new house. Wednesday at 3:30pm we will be the proud owners of two, count 'em two, mortgages. Fortunately, we're independently wealthy, so $2500 a month shouldn't be any problem.
We went by the new house tonight just to whet our appetites. The kids hadn't been in it before, so they were pretty excited. They were mostly impressed with the HUGE basement - that's my favorite part, too. :-)
By the way, thanks for all the kind words concerning my recent near-death experience. My finger is healing up nicely thanks to a healthy daily dollop of neosporin (that's Latin for "New Sporin"). In fact, I expect to be completely healed by the end of the week. Watch this space for the post-traumatic-injury pictures.
I can't wait to take a shower in a real bathroom, and wash the dishes in a real dishwasher, and take a crap on a real toilet, just like the goddess intended. Life will once again be sweet.
Suzanne asked me the other day if we would look back on this period of our lives and laugh. My answer, of course, was no. We will look back on the "Pit" with nothing but revulsion, thanking all things holy that we got the hell out of there.
Suzanne is looking to go back to Omaha on Wednesday, right after we sign the loan papers, to pick up her stupid horse and my wonderful motorcycle. If you've forgotten what my bike looks like, here's a little reminder:

Damn, I'm cool. Anyway, my bike is in her stupid horse trailer, so when she brings her dumb horse back here, I'll get my bike back. There's a really nice ride from here to Sterling (about 40 miles away). That will probably be my first official ride. I'd invite you to come along, but really, that would just be a logistical nightmare.
I suppose that it's for now. All that's left to say is "Buy my house, dammit!".
You never cease to make me laugh. I hope her "stupid horse" doesn't accidently kick your bike... that would be rather entertaining as well though. Anywho, glad to hear your finger is healing nicely and you'll be able to properly crap again. Love ya. :-)
Will the horse be in the trailer with your bike, or will you tie it up and force it to run behind?
Congratulations on the new house, by the way. No, I will not buy your old one.
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