Monday, May 14, 2007

A bit tardy am I

Belated greetings from Sidney.

Well, it's been a while since I posted anything new on the old Blog, so I thought I'd log in and entertain you folks. Actually, my buddy Fred's blog has been pretty brilliant lately, and if I'm going to keep my crown as the undisputed king of the posters, I've got to step up.

Here's a link to his blog if you're curious as to what the second-best effort looks like:

Actually, Fred is a freaking comic genius. Do yourself a favor and check out his stuff.

Ok, that's enough of that. Back to me...

So, as you might suspect, we're basically all moved in. We've got the upstairs done except for a couple of boxes in the guest room, and the downstairs is laid out exactly as I wanted. Unfortunately, I'm not quite ready for pictures as the wife is still painting every bare surface in the house. Weird colors, too. I think she's going for a Sante Fe theme (although she claims to NOT have a theme).

Soon, however, we're going to have a house-warming party and that's when I'll snap a few pix for you, my adoring fans.

I'm inviting a bunch of guys over for the Chuck Liddel fight on the 26th. Also, my aged, infirm father-in-law will be in town that weekend getting his ass kicked in chess and poker, so maybe I'll even take a picture or two of him whilest I'm at it. He's probably reading this right now and shaking his fist saying something like, "Oh, yeah, wait till I get him on the ping pong table!" Of course, he pronounces it "Table Tennis" like the tennis part makes it an actual sport. Kinda sad, really.

I realize what it is I like best about this bl0g: I can conceivably mock anybody I want and they're powerless to stop me! It's a god-like power that I possess. Watch this: Tim Reilly is a weenie. Hah! What are you gonna do, Tim??? Nothing, that's what... muhwahahahah. Whew, what a rush.

Anyway, I just wanted to put something out here to dispel the latest rumors of my untimely demise. Go out and have some fun on me.

Oh, and please buy my house.


admin said...

Thanks for the advertising. Welcome back, by the way.

Anonymous said...

You know, I'm starting to wonder if you'll ever sell that house. You may just be forced to make two house payments until they are both paid off. Good luck with that. Glad to see you're back to entertaining all of your "adoring fans". Although you may have lost a few seeing as it took you so long to make a new post. Love ya.