Monday, December 29, 2008

Filed under: Not too interesting...

Happy Christmas from loverly Papillion.

So, it's been just over a month at the new job and I'm finally starting to get my hands dirty. I've got most of the initial BS out of the way (online training videos, paperwork, etc.) so I can actually focus on getting stuff done. We got a couple new servers in and my Blizzle and I spent a good several hours geeking out.

It is such a different environment, however, from anywhere I've been in the last 15 years. I'm an old Production Support guy from way back, so I thrive on the pressure of last-minute demands and under-the-gun solutions. I'm kind of like that Dr. House guy on TV. Only shorter and better looking... well, shorter anyway.

The point is, this being a development/lab shop, there's virtually no pressure. A lot of it is just making sure that proper procedures are followed and that security is tight. I imagine I'll get used to it eventually, and learn to relax and exhale from time to time.

It's sort of like those fish that live at the bottom of the sea. Bring them up too fast, and they explode. Bring them up at just the right speed, however, and they'll suffer a long, painfully excruciating death. Mmmmm, death.

Anyway, the wife and kids will be out this weekend. Suzanne and Chris will be going back on Sunday, but Chase, the younger boy, is actually going to stay with me in my fabulous, one-bedroom apartment. I'm pretty excited, his brother is bitterly jealous, his mom is beside herself with sadness and worry, and he's ambivalent. But, as long as I'm happy and excited, the rest is totally worth it!

At the end of the day, it's really all about me.

I just got finished on E-Bay buying Chase's belated Christmas gift. I already got something for Chris (a really cool something), but I couldn't really find anything for the other one. Fortunately, somebody defaulted on something I got outbid on recently, so I was given a "second chance". The thing eventually sold for approximately $180, but the second chance amount was only my high bid of $157. I pleaded poverty and got them to drop the price even further to $130, so I'm pretty pleased with myself right about now. It's not easy being greedy... or cheesy for that matter.

I guess that's about it for this edition of the Anthony Show. Good night and god bless and may you one day be just slightly more Anthony-like in all your endeavours.

Oh, and before I forget, go buy my house in Sidney!