Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Democrats suck

So, I just got done watching the news... Ok, it was John Stewart, but still.

Anyway, I just have to comment about how disappointed I am in those idiot democrats in congress. With a Fillibuster-proof senate and a majority in the house, why in the hell are these people so frickin ineffective??

There is so much that could be done right now - Gays in the military, health care, gay marriage - it's amazing that NOTHING is getting done.

What the fuck are they waiting for??? The only people they have to blame is themselves. Even Obama, who could basically effect the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" with the stroke of a pen, hasn't really done anything useful. He should be beating people to death with his bare hands, but instead he's too worried about his image (or getting re-elected, or who knows what) to risk making a command decision.

This is exactly what happens whenever the democrats take over. They have full control to do anything, but instead bicker amongst themselves and wring their hands over the difficulty of their jobs.

Idiots. I can't say very many complimentary things about the republicans, but at least they know how to take advantage of a situation like this. Granted, they're greedy, soulless bastards but you can't say they're ineffective.

This just makes me sad all over again.