Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm writing a book...

I've decided to begin writing a book. The basis of the book is my 20 years of computer geek experience. I intend it to be both educational and entertaining - edutainment, if you will (thank you, David Letterman).

Indeed, it will be chock full of geeky goodness, with personal anecdotes, lessons learned, and sage advice to computer-geek wannabes. It will also contain plenty of warnings to help avoid the pitfalls common to neophytes in this industry.

I've enlisted the help of a few friends who are also in the business and together we think we've seen pretty much everything there is to see in this career field. Our goal is to pass on our hard-fought knowledge to the next generation of geektocrats.

I intend to publish the progress of the book via this blog. First step, an outline! I should have a couple of rough drafts of the outline within the next couple of weeks. Once I have that, I think the book will basically write itself.

Geez, I mean, how hard can it really be??

Friday, January 21, 2011

I dig Meghan McCain

That's right, I said it! Admittedly, she's a bigger gal, but I find her very attractive - even though she's the exact opposite of my type.

And, beyond that, I enjoy hearing her views. She's a republican, sure, but she doesn't come across as a ridiculous, knee-jerk conservative. If she's the future of the republican party, the democrats are in real trouble.

So, there it is: I'm still pissed at President Obama, and I've got this weird thing for Meghan McCain. Maybe I'm a republican after all...

No, it can't be. I can still engage in intelligent conversation, all the while constructing cogent arguments. That pretty much excludes any possibility of being a republican. Whew!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Losing My Religion - Barack Obama

Well, I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. Barack and I have broken up.

It was a dizzy couple of years, but it's over now. Why, you ask? I'll tell you why - because he didn't have the courage of his convictions. He campaigned on a set of promises; chief among them was NO tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires. And yet, at the first whiff of trouble, he completely and utterly caved, giving the republicans everything they ever wanted!

The democrats had the republicans by the balls this year and everybody knew it. Their only hope was to bluff that they would block every piece of legislation regardless of how badly it cost them and the American people.

This was, of course, absolute bullshit. They knew that sooner or later they'd have to cave, or forever be known as the party that lost everything.

The ONLY person who didn't think the republicans were bluffing was the president. He thought that they would surely compromise if he could just get them to listen to him. They listened, but they continued to hold their position.

And, that's when the president lost his shit and completely and utterly pussed out and broke his promises to the American people. He immediately offered them the tax breaks for the richest 1% if they'd just please, oh please, give him just a couple of crumbs for his trouble.

Not surprisingly, they did. Much to nobody's surprise, the republicans jumped on his ridiculous offer like a pit bull on a chihuahua. It was the lifeline that they absolutely needed but never in a million years expected.

To say I'm disgusted is an understatement.

Since then, some people have suggested that it was a good strategy because the democrats were finally able to pass DADT repeal, and the START treaty and the health care bill for 911 first-responders, among others.

I say, these are things that should have gotten passed anyway! These are not democrat only victories, these are American victories. How in the hell can anybody be against helping 911 first-responders??? Of the 60 or so "no" votes, only 1 was a democrat - what does that tell you about those patriotic republican congressmen?

It's just ridiculous. The country really only has itself to blame. Unless you are a rich white man, there's absolutely no reason to be a republican - it goes completely against your own best interest!

So, Barack and I are officially quits. He's turned out to be just another politician. This doesn't mean I'm going to rush out and vote republican (although I would vote for Sarah Palin just to watch her fumble-fuck her way through the presidency). However, it does mean I'm finished drinking the kool-aid.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Velasquez and The Giants

I'm not normally a sports guy, aside from Women's Volleyball and Softball, but I'm a sucker for an underdog.

Cain Velasquez vs. Brock Lesnar. Brock should have ripped Cain's arms off and beaten him to death with them - I mean, the guy has to diet to trim down to 265 pounds, he's a Division I wrestling superstar, and stronger than a gorilla on steroids. As much as I would have loved to see Cain win, I was absolutely certain he was going to get squashed.

But, it turns out that Cain knew something we didn't know - he had the goods to kick the shit out of Brock. He knew he just needed to be able to withstand his first bull-rush, and the rest would be gravy - and that's exactly what happened.

Cain ended up kicking Brock's ass so bad, he looked like he'd just walked into a barbed-wire fence face-first. It was probably the most exciting fight I've seen this year. Of course, GSP vs Koscheck II could trump it, but for now it's #1.

As for the Giants, they're probably the only team in all of baseball I give half a shit about - mostly because I'm from that part of California. The only thing is, the Giants will ALWAYS find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. They are the perennial lovable losers.

So, I now have a reason to watch the World Series. Granted, it's likely to only be four games, but I'll be sure to tune in.

Then again, you never know... Cain Velasquez taught me to never give up hope, even when your opponent seems to have the deck stacked in their favor. Every now and again, the good guy wins.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Facebook schmacebook

So, as a couple of you know, I deleted my facebook account recently. I made the mistake of accepting way too many friend requests. I only got the account in the first place to keep up with my kids' lives. Little did I know I would be snowed under by a deluge of inanity, poor spelling and worse grammar.

My plan is to cool my heels for a couple of weeks, then create a new, super-secret account and only befriend those whose lives interest me. If you don't receive a friend request from my new account by this time next month, you didn't make the cut... ;-)

On an entirely unrelated note, I bought a used XBox from a friend of mine recently. It's really cool.

The end.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I'm voting Republican

You heard right. I'm sick of weak-ass democrats whining that they can't do anything without 60 votes - too frightened of a republican filibuster. I'm tired of democrats talking about social change but not having the courage of their convictions. I'm disgusted by the "we're on the side of what's good and proper" mindset which hampers any chance of winning the upcoming elections.

But, most of all, I'm 100% sick and tired of hearing republicans bitch about the state of the union while completely ignoring the previous 8 years of bush that fucked it up in the first place. Somehow all of the problems that we face as a nation are the fault of President Obama and his evil crew of socialist-communist-fascist supporters.

So I say, vote republican this year. Put them back in power and let's see what happens. Elect those tea-party asshats and see what they come up with to fix the economy and create growth.

They say that those who won't learn from history are doomed to repeat it - I believe that will be the case.

I view republicans the same way I view children - if I can't make them understand something, then they just won't believe it. If I tell my kids that they need to go to bed at 10pm because otherwise they'll be too sleepy to do well in school the next day, they'll argue with me since they think I'm just sending them to bed to get them out of my hair. They refuse to believe that I'm actually looking out for their well-being.

And, like children, republicans are easily frightened. Look at Glen Beck's ratings if you don't believe me. He runs entirely on fear. Fear that the brown man is going to steal your job; fear that all muslims are secretly working for Al Qaeda; Fear that Obama is a nazi/socialist who wants to create a new welfare state by stealing all the money from those poor, hard-working rich people and give it to those no-account, sub-human, poor people. A new-age Robin Hood, if you will.

So, I say fuck it. Even if everything everybody ever wanted, democrat or republican, suddenly came true, it still wouldn't be enough. People would still bitch and complain. Democrats want to save everyone from themselves and republicans want to decide everybody else's morality while trying to squeeze every last nickel out of every human being on the planet.

Sadly, the sane portion of the country - that 70% or so in the middle - doesn't give enough of a shit to actually go out and vote. So, it's left to the fringes to determine the future of our society. Good luck with that!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Impotent Rage

I was watching the Rachel Maddow show the other day and it occurred to me that shows like this fills the viewer with a sense of impotent rage. Rage because the viewer is incensed by the outrageous activities of an individual or group of individuals (BP for example). Impotent because, even knowing exactly what's going on, and even who's to blame, there's literally nothing that we, as individuals, can do about it.

Recently, I spoke with a buddy of mine who was talking about the Enron scandal and other scandals similar to it. He was convinced that people needed to know what had happened so as to keep it from happening again.

I fervently disagreed. My point was this: Even if everybody on the planet knows what happened and who's to blame (which I think they do), the people who can actually do something about it (the government) never will. It's not in their best interests to legislate a solution because most of them are either directly involved, or involved in something equally scandalous. They know that anything they do now will likely come back to bite them in the ass in the future.

Therefore, what is the point in becoming aware of the atrocities, crimes, and misdeeds of people in power? The knowledge alone will garner you nothing - and the rage you feel will be exacerbated by the fact that you are powerless to affect the situation.

So, your choices are simple: Ignorant Bliss or Impotent Rage. Guess which one will help you sleep at night?

I think I'll go back to Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert - I can use a good chuckle. Sorry, Rachel.