Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm writing a book...

I've decided to begin writing a book. The basis of the book is my 20 years of computer geek experience. I intend it to be both educational and entertaining - edutainment, if you will (thank you, David Letterman).

Indeed, it will be chock full of geeky goodness, with personal anecdotes, lessons learned, and sage advice to computer-geek wannabes. It will also contain plenty of warnings to help avoid the pitfalls common to neophytes in this industry.

I've enlisted the help of a few friends who are also in the business and together we think we've seen pretty much everything there is to see in this career field. Our goal is to pass on our hard-fought knowledge to the next generation of geektocrats.

I intend to publish the progress of the book via this blog. First step, an outline! I should have a couple of rough drafts of the outline within the next couple of weeks. Once I have that, I think the book will basically write itself.

Geez, I mean, how hard can it really be??